Monday, September 2, 2013

Instructions to Bird Girls

artwork by Jeanie Tomanek 

Don't be seduced
by cooing bird songs.
They have showy feathers for a reason.

Don't let your taste for the exotic
 hidden in hard objects
lead you into dangerous territory.

Once cracked,
they often bleed.

Don't climb so high
you cannot set your feet on the ground.
Your feathery wings are yet nubile,
much more for show.

A hard landing will snap
more than 
your sweet, lovely bones.

This poem was inspired by The Magpie Tales #184. 
Thanks Tess, for another opportunity to see what lurks within.

For anyone wanting more interpretations from this prompt, visit


  1. Replies
    1. I was thinking of my little 7th graders !!!!

  2. For one second I saw "Instructions For BAD girls"... But instructions for the BIG BAD BIRD (out to get you?) is what I found. Self-experience?

    Well done set of directions...and funny too. I LIKE!

  3. Good advice, keeping feet on the ground! lol

  4. Great advice, Sienna. A lovely poem!

  5. nice one Sienna....thanks for sharing this
