Monday, November 11, 2013

Kewl Dudes, Dogies, and Dudettes

I saw you there, 
leaning on the guy wire
of the telephone pole,
never taking your gaze away
from where they will come.

I know you saw me
snap your picture.

I wasn't sneaky.
It even took me a few frames 
to get the light just right.

James Dean would have been proud.

Not a foot away,
sitting in the shade,
an unusual sight.
Beanie hat,
looking more 
like he should be
at a hippie gathering,
or maybe a Beatnik coffee house.

Everyone waiting, waiting, waiting.

I turn the corner.
Another one.

Super, Duper Kewl Cowboy Dude,
leaning up against the fence.
Waiting for them to come.
Camera ready.
Looking for just the right pose.

"Are they coming?
Are they coming yet?"
Little girls with big boots,
and even bigger hats,
wait too.

they arrive, being led
by the Calvary.

and cowboys,

and cowgirls, 
and more.

To my amazement,
they are so young.
I expected grown up cattle.
Not little steers.
I guess they won't give
the Greenhorns who have paid
big bucks
for a chance to channel
their inner cowboy
a hard time on the three day trail.
Complete with a gourmet chuck wagon.

Slowly they saunter past.
Poor little dogies
 are so tired.
They need a rest.
It's been a long drive,
very soon they 
get to retire.

The kewest of kewl dudes
brings up the rear.
Gets the whole
parade wound up
past the fairgrounds gates.

"Dad, let's go! I can't wait !!!"

All this means, only one thing,

Rodeo's in town, 

Cowboys 'n Hats 
Abound !!!

BIG P.S. .....this was an unfinished post from June, 2013...
weird to read in November, but here nonetheless !!!

The Dream

Danseuse ajustant sa bretelle, 1895-96, Edgar Degas

He dreamt her
in black and white.

Feathers float
as the light strikes.

he lurks in the dark.


Yearning to capture
the essence
of her soul.



A poem created for 

Thank you Tess, for another wonderful visual inspiration.